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Bztronics Rife Software Free

суббота 02 марта admin 78
Bztronics Rife Software Free Rating: 4,9/5 709 votes

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Rife Technology in the Age of Modern Computers Rife Technology is based on the foundation of physics and electronic resonance. Everything in the universe has its own resonant frequency based on its atomic content. Resonant frequency may be described as the frequency that causes an echo or resounding. Two examples are as follows. An opera singer shatters a wine glass by singing the note that is the resonant frequency of the wine glass. The wine glass will echo or ring when that frequency is directed toward it. A factory moved next to a chicken farm.

Shortly after the factory began operation, the chickens on the farm died. It was determined through scientific research that the chickens died because the factory was emanating a frequency of 7 Hertz (Hertz is the measurement of frequency). Seven Hertz happened to be the resonant frequency of the brain cavity of the chickens. Everything has a frequency. Bacaan yasin lengkap.