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Flowmaster Software Free Download

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Bucare una rete wifi infostrada fibra de. FlowMaster - Hydraulic Calculator Software by Bentley Systems Incorporated. Doing hydraulic calculations in a spreadsheet is an error-prone process. FlowMaster helps you perform hydraulic calculations for dozens of element types, from pipes and open.

Doing hydraulic calculations in a spreadsheet is an error-prone process. FlowMaster helps you perform hydraulic calculations for dozens of element types, from pipes and open channels to drop inlets and weirs: • Solve for any unknown property • Design for any desired characteristic • Produce detailed reports and rating curves on the fly FlowMaster improves design productivity, ultimately saving project costs. Please use this instead, if: • You already have a Bentley subscription (SELECT, ELS, etc.) for this or other Bentley product. • Your shipping address is not in the United States (pricing differs per country).

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Companies can maximize their return on investment by integrating FloMASTER at every stage of the development process, taking advantage of the data management and collaborative capabilities of this analytical tool. It is used by companies across a wide range of industries to reduce the development time and costs of their thermo-fluid systems. It helps systems engineers to: • Simulate pressure surge, temperature and fluid flow rates system-wide • Understand how design alterations, component size, selection and operating conditions will affect the overall fluid system performance accurately and quickly. “When modelling multi arm junctions such as automotive thermostats and pump housings, characterizing individual flow paths as parallel and independent losses can give rise to 15 to 20% error in predicting mass flow rates through an outlet. This error is eradicated by considering the effect of changes in branch pressure drops with changing flow rates in the other branches. Using FloEFD to perform full spectrum 3D CFD characterization of the housing and integrating inter-dependent flow channel interactions into a FloMASTER N-Arm component improves simulation accuracy, confidence and trust reducing physical testing times and ultimate time to market. ” Sudhi Uppuluri, Principal Investigator, Computational Sciences Experts Group.

Open, Extendable Architecture • Create bespoke component models • Create scripts for controlling components or networks • Open API structure allows integration into user product development process including in-house codes, CAE, manufacturing and optimization tools • Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) support for model export and co-simulation allows FloMASTER models to be shared across other CAE tools during the design process through an independent standard for model exchange. • Export the hydrodynamic forces generated by a transient event as a time history to leading pipe stress analysis tools such as SST CAEPIPE and Integraph® CAESAR II®. Design Optimization Capability The ‘Experiments’ feature in FloMASTER provides users with the ability to conduct superior ‘what-if’ analyses for 1D thermo-fluid analysis. • Using a Latin Square algorithm, FloMASTER helps users generate unique combinations of distributed input values between specific bounds. This ability creates an ideal foundation for the creation of meta-models and response surfaces that characterize a FloMASTER system response • Monte Carlo simulations can be performed to produce simulation results based on a probability distribution generated from a mean and standard deviation for selected input parameters. This allows the effect of small variations in input values to be examined and enables FloMASTER to be used in risk analysis and quality control environments such as Design for Six Sigma (DFSS). 1D-3D Design and Simulation • Using CAD2FM, engineers can automatically generation system level models in FloMASTER from 3D geometry in tools such as NX, Solid Edge, CATIA, Creo, and Solidworks, reducing the network creation time by up to 95%.

• Simulation Based Characterization (SBC) allows unique or novel component level designs to be characterized thermally or with respect to pressure drop using 3D CFD in FloEFD. This characterization can then be used inside FloMASTER for more accurate analysis of the overall system behavior.

• OneSim is a tightly coupled co-simulation workflow that enables a 3D CFD model in FloEFD to be considered as part of a 1D CFD FloMASTER network. Such a workflow enables the accuracy of a 3D CFD simulation to be applied to parts that would otherwise be overly simplified when represented as system level components.