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Run 8 Train Simulator Download

среда 22 мая admin 13
Run 8 Train Simulator Download Rating: 4,9/5 3339 votes

Train Simulator Computer Aided Dispatcher - Designed for Run 8.

Developed with native support for the RailDriver Train Cab Controller, requires no additional software. Plug in the RailDriver, wait for Windows to install it, and start Run 8.

Calibration These instructions are adapted from the the developer's notes on the: For those using a RailDriver, you will most likely have to calibrate the unit, since each one puts out slightly different values. The sim needs to know what these values are, or else it will act strangely. Using Shift-F2, open the Calibration Window (this window can only show in Windowed mode, not Full screen at the moment).

For each button in the window, first place the corresponding RailDriver control in that position, THEN press the window button. For Example, with the Throttle, you would place it in the Full Throttle position, then hit the window button for 'Full Throttle' or Notch8 or whatever I called it. Idle would be set in the Detent in the middle of the Throttle, then the window's Idle button pressed to lock in the value. Do the same thing for all the controls.

For the Train Brake, it may be wise to set the 'release' position very slightly above the bottom-end of the handle's lower stop, so as to prevent spurious raildriver signals from accidentally setting some air. Remember, set the control, then press the calibration button for that control to lock in the value. Then hit the 'Save' button at the bottom of the calibration window to save your values.

If you did it right, and you have a good calibration, you probably will not have to do it again. Manual Button Legend Strips Create blue button legend strips for Run 8 with our template for Adobe Acrobat or MS Word. Print on good quality paper or card stock, cut, and install under the front panel. Get the template here: or Run 8 Forums Join the Run 8 community to get tips and share information. Run 8 is the most realistic simulation program to date. If you need help learning to run a train, start here.

Hi Everyday I keep seeing more and more references to this sim, and specifically people 'going over to it'. Given I really have no idea of what it's like, I decided to check it out. Their website is rather confusing, but it does give a fairly good overview - although no way of buying or downloading the product that I can see! One thing it does show is that it is clearly somehow based on the ancient MSTS/OpenBVE platform given how bad the graphics look in some of the screenshots! Definitely, both Trainz and RW trump it graphically. Secondly, the amount of content available for it does not impress me.

Every train sim (IMO) should come with a selection of varied and different routes, not a massive amount but at the very least 6 or 7 built in. Run8, as far as I can see, only has one, you have to buy the rest. And the locos to run on them. Download lagu taylor swift today was a fairytale. And it's not like you have much of a choice here, either. It's just modern day US freight operations.

Ok, there's the A-Line in Florida, but that's it for none-deserty routes. No narrow gauge, no steam, nothing from outside the US, nothing from pre-1985.

There is a P42 with Superliners available, but the model looks like it's been taken straight out of MSTS. And you have to pay for it! I don't mind modern US freight operations in deserts, but I'd probably get bored of it pretty quickly, no matter how good the physics are. It's kind of a shame that the Needles Sub they've made is post BNSF merger, as that would have made a great steam-era route. Oh, and the trees.

I haven't actually played it, but from the screenshots the trees look absolutely awful and terribly unconvincing. Again, probably just lifted straight from MSTS. Oh, and then there's the small matter of the default game only coming with one route, you have to pay $40 each for the others.

When Steam charges a lot less for its, lets face it, much better looking routes this does look like a bit of a swindle. On the other hand, the sim is very much operations based and I doubt the average player would care much about the graphics.

And from what I've read, it does operations very, very well. It also has a highly realistic physics engine, apparently, but then that wouldn't surprise me as I always thought MSTS had surprisingly good physics compared to Trainz! The multiplayer also looks far superior to ours as well, but a tad more complicated. But then again, I'm not that bothered about multiplayer anyway. In conclusion, personally, I don't think it's worth it for a game that is basically MSTS with a new haircut. I can see where they're coming from, and I respect the work that has been put in to it but it's not for me.