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Test maker pro crack. 터 President Moon's public order to come up with fine dust measures for two consecutive days is due to the worsening public opinion that there is no clear government response to a problem that directly connects with the public's health. In particular, complaints that the government cannot say anything to China have spread rapidly online, even though more than 60 to 70 percent of fine dust comes from China. Hwang Kyo-ahn, the leader of the Liberty Korea Party, said on Thursday that the administration has not been able to make a strong protest by only looking at China's perception that it is because of North Korea. President Moon also instructed South Korea and China to take emergency reduction measures at the same time when fine dust is at a high concentration level, and to review ways to jointly create and respond to the forecast system for fine dust. In addition, President Moon said, If necessary, concentrate on reducing fine dust by urgently compiling extra budget. The extra budget will be used to help President Moon increase the number of air purifiers, increase capacity, and promote joint cooperation with China, Kim explained.
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