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Splinter Cell Double Agent Torrent Iso

воскресенье 11 ноября admin 11
Splinter Cell Double Agent Torrent Iso Rating: 3,5/5 2803 votes

Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Double Agent is an Action game and published by Ubisoft released on 19 Oct, 2006 and designed for Microsoft Windows.Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Double Agent, play as a double agent spy for the first time ever.

NOTE – Download this game for ver PC (windows, Mac): Veteran agent Sam Fisher is back. But he’s never faced an enemy like this before. To stop a devastating terrorist attack, he must infiltrate a vicious terrorist group and destroy it from within.

For the first time ever, experience the relentless tension and gut-wrenching dilemmas of life as a double agent. As you infiltrate a terrorist organization in its American headquarters, you must carefully weigh the consequences of your actions. Kill too many criminals and you’ll blow your cover. Hesitate too long and millions will die. Do whatever it takes to complete your mission, but get out alive.

The fourth game in the Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell series thrusts players into a new breed of gameplay that promises to innovate and revolutionize the Splinter Cell franchise. Ubisoft takes the saga of Sam Fisher into entirely new territory, expanding the story and depth of his character. I am so happy when you connect to my website. It created with the purpose is to share free games for all of you. At the present, more than 6000 free games are loaded on the website and it has still been in process of building, finishing the contents, so I hope that most of free games could be updated as soon as possible. To a new website, it does not have much your attention, but I wish you could give me a favour in advertising, introducing it to people by sharing its link for your friends, family members through out Facebook, twitter and other websites.

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