Crack Fishing Craze
вторник 05 февраля admin 69
Crack Fishing Craze Rating: 3,7/5 5798 votes
Fishing Craze; Reel in some excitement in this original arcade challenge. Choose your team, load up the RV, and crisscross the country in a series of fishing tournaments that. Mar 09, 2014 كيف تزيد من النقود فى لعبة صيد السمك. بمنتهى السهولة. Fishing Craze game cheat.
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Fishing Craze Cheats, Cheat Codes, Hints, Tips Fishing Craze Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. Browse by PC Games Title: Hints and Tips for: Fishing Craze Cheats Fishing Craze Hints, Tips and Tricks: ----------------------- Submitted by: RM You want to change the amount of your tokens? Go to the folder C: Program Files Fishing Craze fishing datasavegame or anywhere you put the directory of the game.
Open the notepad file 'account0'. Cs 1 6 anti ban hack warzone. You will notice that your name created in the game was written after the 2nd number slot. Example:(0.8 2 Cheatbook 1 6 7 20) Change the number after the 3nd number slot after your name. Example: Change 20 to 1000: (0.8 2 Cheatbook 1 6 7 20) --> (0.8 2 Cheatbook 1 6 7 1000) Then save the file. Play the game!
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